Saturday, March 13, 2010

Can piano and clarinet use the same sheet music?

You'd have to transpose the music in order to do it, and of course, to play on clarinet, it would have to be monophonic. But otherwise, yes, it can be done.Can piano and clarinet use the same sheet music?
Monophonic-single note melody.

Transpose-move notes up or down.

To play piano notes on clarinet transpose up one step(2 half-steps.Piano C = Clar. D, D=E, E=F#, G=A, Bb=C, etc.

BEARCAT. Clar.player,teacher.

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Can piano and clarinet use the same sheet music?
Well technically you can but it would sound bad because the piano is in the concert key of C and the clarinet is in the key of B flat.
You could but it would sound weird, clarinets can't play in the bass clef.
Nope! Piano is a C instrument - Clarinet is a Bb instrument
of course
Yes. Just play the treble clef of the piano music on the clarinet.

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